BAPIO develops partnership with Deaneries to support Trainees

BAPIO develops partnership with Deaneries to support Trainees


BAPIO has been liaising with various Deaneries to identify ways to support GP trainees to prevent a higher failure rate. Dr Ramesh Mehta, President of BAPIO, who is leading the project said, “We need to work together with the Trainees as well as the Trainers to explore the difficulties faced by the trainees but also realise the limitations of the trainers who in many cases may be contributing to dismal outcomes”. He added that BAPIO wants to work with the Deaneries to find solutions to meet the challenges that can prevent damage to careers rather than totally rely on a blame culture. BAPIO has developed collaboration with London Deanery, South West Deanery and East of England Deanery to support the trainees. There are plans to have collaboration with all the UK deaneries

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