British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
in Collaboration with NHS England WRES
Mid – Year Conference – ‘Teams Without Walls’
Saturday, 25th June 2016, Holiday Inn, St. Nicholas Circle, Leicester
Theme: ‘Teams without walls’
How can GPs and Consultants work together to provide excellent patient care?
How can we have happy staff?
Purpose: The conference will explore how health care needs to evolve so as to meet the legitimate needs of all citizens. Medicine is an unhappy place right now. Solutions will be explored with reference to new models of care that allow Generalists and Specialists to work together to provide high quality and safe integrated care. Critical to this is an engaged and confident workforce that can lead and shape future health and care. The aim of modern health care will be explored through the IHM triple aim, or quadruple aim (Drummond) to include a motivated and healthy workforce.
6 CPD points applied for.
8.30 am Registration and Coffee
9.15 am Inauguration
9.30 am Setting the Scene: ‘The Quadruple Aim of Health Care’
Professor Mayur Lakhani CBE
9.45 am Session 1: ‘Learning from New Models of Care’
Chairs Dr JS Bamrah and Dr Raghu Ramaiah
- ‘Seven-day working in General Practice’
Professor Azhar Farooqi OBE, Chair, Leicester City CCG - ‘Devolution – Is this the Future Model?’
Ms Jackie Daniel, Chief Executive, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay - ‘The Modality Super GP Partnership’
Dr Naresh Rati, Executive Director, Modality Partnership
10.30 am Guest Lecture: ‘CQC – Challenges and Opportunities’
Professor Steve Field CBE, Chief Inspector of General Practice, CQC
Chair Dr Prashant Patel
11.15 am Coffee
11.30 am Session 2: ‘The Conundrum of Urgent and Emergency Care’
Chairs Dr Veena Daga and Dr Hasmukh Shah
- ‘Integrated Care Models’
Ms Tamsin Hooton, Director, National Vanguard for Urgent and Emergency Care - ‘ Acutely Sick Child: The Wicked Problem’
Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, Institute of Child Health, London - ‘Urgent Care Integration in Hospitals’
Dr Parag Singhal, Consultant Physician and Clinical Director, Bristol
12.30 pm Lunch
01.30 pm Guest Lecture: ‘Towards Race Equality’
Ms Yvonne Coghill OBE, Director WRES, NHS England
Chair Dr Sunil Daga
02.00 pm Session 3: Workforce Strategy and Plan
Chairs Dr Arumugam Moorthy and Dr Rashmin Tamhne
‘How is East Midlands addressing the Workforce and Diversity Issues?’
- Mr Karamjit Singh CBE, Chairman, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and Bina Kotecha, Deputy Director of Learning and Organisation Development
- Dr Peter Miller, CEO Leicestershire Partnership Trust and Workforce Lead
Q&A Session with Ms Y Coghill, Mr K Singh and Dr P Miller
02.45 pm Coffee
03.00 pm Session 4: Panel Discussion (Chaired by Prof Mala Rao)
‘Diversity for Inclusion: Ethnic minority workforce leading the change.’
03.45 pm Keynote Speech by Sir David Nicholson:
‘Reflections on the Future of Health and Care’
Chair Professor Mayur Lakhani CBE
4.15 pm Summary and Critique of the Day: Dr Ramesh Mehta, Chairman, BAPIO
Poster Presentations on New Models of Care and Happy Workforce
– Supervised by Dr Sunil Daga
6.30 PM Conference Dinner: Exquisite Indian Cuisine
Delegate Registration Fees
- Day delegate Rate: £75
- BAPIO Members: £50
- Trainees: £35
- Non-Medical Staff: £35
- Medical Students Free (only if Pre-Registered by 15th June 2016)
- Conference Dinner: Exquisite Indian Cuisine and Bollywood Music: £35
To register please make your selections below and click the ‘Register Now’ button to go through the registration process. Please note, No cancellations or refunds after 20th June 2016.
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