BAPIO South West Division
Chair: Parag Singhal
Vice Chair: Mohan Mundasad Secretary: Sanjay Gandhi
Executive Members: Sanchit Mehendele, Guru Karnati, Saras Hosdurga and Uma Gordon
“Prudent Health Care”
-The Modern NHS
Friday 10th March 2017 9:30 -17:30
A whole day dedicated to discuss the modern NHS, its challenges and ideas to move forward. An excellent opportunity to listen and interact with the leaders in the field.
Conference confirmed speakers
Dr. Nigel Acheson
NHS England South’s Regional Medical Director
Prof. Selena Gray
Deputy PG Dean in Health Education England, South West
Prof. Jonathan Benger
National Clinical Director for Urgent Care, NHS England
Mr. Mark Cooke
Director of Commissioning, South West
Prof. Steve West
Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West of England, Bristol
Banquet Payment options
Option 1: Complete the registration form and email: paulineholt3@gmail.com
Arrange a bank transfer to: Barclays Bank Sort Code: 209474 Account number: 53859827 Acct Name: SW BAPIO Reference: Please give your name
Option 2: Complete the registration form and post with your cheque (Payable to SW BAPIO) to: Dr Parag Singhal, 7 Broad Oak Road, Weston super Mare, BS23 4NN
For queries contact: Pauline Holt
Phone: 07878485255 or Email: paulineholt3@gmail.com
Pic credit-Image by David Mark from Pixabay