David Lloyd Club West End, 242 Netherton Road, Glasgow G13 1BJ
1600: Registration opens
1630: Welcome & Introduction
Keynote Speakers:
1. Dr Ben Whur, Assistant Director, Continued Practice and Revalidation, GMC
2. Dr Niall Cameron, National GP Appraisal Adviser
3. Dr Paul Knight, Associate Medical Director Secondary Care GGC
4. Dr Paul Ryan, Medical Director Appraisal and Revalidation GGC Primary Care
5. Dr Janice Oliver, Local Appraisal Adviser, GGC
6. Dr Sally Al-agilly, RCGP Scotland
1800: Panel Discussion and Q & A session
1900: Break out for Bubbly, snacks and networking
2000: Buffet style Dinner
2100: DJ and dance Floor
2300: Programme ends
Parallel Kids entertainment 1630 to 1930
Adult: £15.00
Child: (under 14): £8.00
Under 4: Free
Bank Transfer: Lloyds TSB
Account Name: BAPIO
Account No: 00256105
Sort Code: 30-90-66
Ref: Your Surname-GLS
Cheques made payable to BAPIO (please make a note of your name at the back)
Cash: Pay direct to ticket holders
For tickets, please contact:
Dr Meena Virdi: 07810633891
Dr Nitin Gambhir: 07725991008
Dr Sanjeev Patil: 07702883637
Dr Prit Singh: 07789847520
Dr Pankaj Agarwal: 07931325566