Arvind Shah

Arvind Shah

Arvind is a Senior Consultant Paediatrician at North Middlesex University hospital NHS trust. He is RCPCH Principle Regional examiner (PRE) for South Asia and now RCPCH Strategic Regional Advisor for South Asia
He is Associate Professor St George’s University (SGU), Grenada, West Indies and Hon Senior Lecturer University College Hospital, London. He was lead for medical students for 20 years and was awarded as a best teacher by SGU 2019.

He has established considerable standing in south Asia by his work as PRE, research activities, relationship with Indian academy of Paediatrics, Myanmar & Nepalese’s Paediatrics Societies. He launched 7 MRCPCH exam centres in India and 3 for DCH in India. He was first to start MRCPCH exam in Myanmar and Nepal. He was chair for Foundation of Practice MRCPCH and hosted first international question setting group in Kolkata 2014.

By working with Canadian and Indian teams he has developed a palliative care programme in India and this was endorsed by RCPCH

He did a novel research on use of Near Infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in measuring cerebral blood and oxygenation in intubated babies. He led NIRS work with UCLH team measuring cerebral blood flow in patients in coma.
He was first to report on asthma in sickle cell children with St Mary’s Hospital group. His landmark paper highlighted hazards of pharmacological tests of growth hormone secretion.

His passionate work on integrated care pathways (ICP) of common childhood condition led to reduction in GP referral to Hospitals. His work on asthma ICP showed 30% reduction in A&E attendances. Recently he carried out research with Global Health team in India producing a 3 year intervention study to reduce the incidence of Cerebral Palsy.

Arvind did MBBS from BJ Medical Pune and MD paediatrics from GS Medical Mumbai 1982. He was trained in Great Ormond street hospital, did neonatal fellowship in Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia, USA and was senior registrar in Addenbrooke’s hospital Cambridge.

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