BAPIO Annual Conference 2019-Research & Innovation Competition

Submission Link-

British Association of Physicians of India (BAPIO) is pleased to announce the Research & Innovation Competition of its Annual Conference.  This year’s conference, for the first time in the UK, will bring together a range of health care professionals from across the globe to address the issue of healthcare workers shortages and aims to

Learn about successful and innovative models of healthcare delivery

Explore challenges faced by organisations

Create a roadmap for the future to address these challenges

The aims of research and innovation competition to promote the exchange of medical and scientific knowledge, enabling enthusiastic and inspired medical students, research students, trainee and SAS doctors to present their work to their peers.  These are suggested themes under which your abstracts can be submitted:

Medical Laboratory research

Clinical/ translational research

Innovation in patient pathway

Patient experience and safety

Big data research


Medical students, research students (MSC, MD or PhD), trainee and SAS doctors from the UK and abroad, irrespective of nationality or ethnicity can participate as presenting authors in this competition.


Important Dates

Abstract Submission Opens:              1st August 2019

Abstract Submission Closes:             31st October 2019

Notification of selected abstracts:    by 8th November 2019

(via email)



Awards Trophy Certificate Cash Prize
Oral presentation category
1st Prize Trophy Certificate Travel fellowship: All paid for opportunity to Travel to Mumbai, India and present the paper in International conference + 1-week attachment in an Indian Hospital in a specialty of choice.
2nd Prize Trophy Certificate £ 250
3rd Prize Trophy Certificate £ 100
4th Prize Trophy Certificate £ 50
Poster presentation category
Best Medical or research Student Submission Trophy Certificate
Best trainee/SAS Doctor Submission Trophy Certificate
All Participants Certificate Certificates of Participation to all

Registration Fee:

There is no fee for submission of Abstract. The first author (main contact) of the selected abstract for presentation will have to register for the conference at highly subsidized rates. Please visit for further information.


Guidelines for Abstract Submission

    • Submissions will only be accepted via the online system. Please visit the link to abstract submission (Survey Monkey).
    • The data/abstract should not have been published in any scientific journal prior to submission
    • Please complete the online submission form (Survey Monkey) for abstract submission. Please limit the abstract to 300 words and include the following sub-headings: Background and aims, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
    • Abstracts will be independently scored by panel of experts and highest scoring abstracts will be invited for presentations

Word Count:

Maximum of 325 words are allowed including titles, sub-titles, authors and their affiliations (not including any tables / graphs)


Please try to avoid acronyms and abbreviations as much as possible. Where essential, use only standard abbreviations. When first used, always insert the full term in the text and the acronym in parenthesis.


Any relevant conflicts of interest should be declared


The first author will have to undertake that they have obtained informed consent of ALL their co-authors for this submission


The first author must provide their working email IDs.

Sample Abstract


Marcello Sala1, M. Miceli1, P. Rombolà, F. Scolamacchia2, A. Ubaldi and A. Battisti

Institute /Affiliations:

    1. Dept. of Genetics, Institute of Human Studies, Any Road, Anywhere, A12 9BC
  1. Dept. of Surgery, Anywhere NHS Foundation Trust, Any Road, Anywhere, A12 9BC


Anywhere NHS Foundation Trust, Any Road, Anywhere, A12 9BC



High‐Level Beta‐Hexachlorocyclohexane Contamination in Dairy Farms—Sacco River Valley, Latium, Italy, 2005


Background and aims: In March 2005, the Italian National Monitoring System on Chemical Residuals in Food of Animal Origin detected levels of the pesticide beta‐hexachlorocyclohexane (ß‐HCH) in bulk‐milk from a dairy farm in the Sacco River valley that were 30 times higher than the legal limit of 3ppb. B‐HCH, a lindane isomer and possible human carcinogen, was subsequently found in milk from several neighboring farms. A study was therefore undertaken to evaluate the extent and risk factors for contamination.

Methods: All dairy cattle farms in the valley were enrolled in a retrospective cohort study and their bulk milk analyzed for ß‐HCH. A questionnaire was administered to farmers to evaluate possible exposure factors. Low‐level contamination was defined as ß‐HCH levels in bulk‐milk between 0‐1.9ppb and high‐level as >2ppb.

Results: Of 244 farms tested, 34 (13,9%) had high‐level contamination. Feeding animals on fodder cultivated in soils watered with and/or flooded by river water was observed in 33/34 (97.0%) of high‐level farms and in 23/210 (10.9%) of those with low contamination (relative risk =110.8; 95%confidence interval 15.5‐792); the risk remained essentially unaltered after controlling for several potentially confounding variables. Subsequent investigation by local environmental authorities revealed that the source of contamination was an abandoned industrial site near the riverbank that had produced lindane for decades; high ß‐HCH levels were demonstrated in water sediments, soil, and fodder from the area.

Conclusions: Cattle fodder cultivated near a contaminated river was the main risk factor for ß‐HCH contaminated milk. On the basis of the epidemiologic evidence and environmental testing, watering local fields with river water and production of fodder in farms with contaminated soil was banned, and all animals from positive farms were culled.

Keywords: beta‐hexachlorocyclohexane, organochlorines, cattle


Guidelines for Poster Presentation

All posters should be produced in the following size, in Portrait (vertical) format: A0 (A zero). All posters should be affixed to the Poster Boards by 10 am on Saturday 23th November. The posters will be assigned a number, which will also be displayed on the allocated Poster Board. Posters can be taken down on 24th November at 3 pm. Blue tac / suitable materials will be provided to affix the poster to the board. Help will be available on site in this regard.

Size Width x Height (mm) Width x Height (in)
A0 841 x 1189 mm 33.1 x 46.8 in
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