British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) and British International Doctors Association (BIDA) met NHS Employers on 10th June to discuss issues affecting BME workforce.
Dr Ramesh Mehta, President of BAPIO stressed the importance of conflict resolution between employer and employee informally and in early stages. He described a successful model of partnership between University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay and BAPIO and the support BAPIO is providing to the management. Mr Mortimer, the CEO of NHS Employers showed keen interest and agreed to learn more and promote the model.
Professor Mala Rao expressed concern about the reality at the grass-root level for those who are unfortunate to be caught in to the dispute. She explained the disastrous impact on many BME professionals and stressed importance of fair approach.
The director of Policy for BAPIO said, “It is crucial to form closer alliance with the Employers organisation and engage them in influencing the NHS Trusts to promote equality and recognition of diversity”. It is important we move forward from the standard ‘tick-box’ exercises, he added.
Mr Narendra Kapur, Visiting Professor of Neuropsychology expressed the need to initiate an inquiry similar to the Francis report in to management practices of disciplinary process. He elaborated that management approach often goes unchallenged while victims face isolation and serious consequences that affects their career and personal lives.
Dr Mehta observed that the meeting was productive and very helpful. He said, BAPIO is keen to partner with the NHS Employers to assist the local Trusts in taking positive steps for improving practices. ‘At the heart of our commitment is the patient safety that must come first”, he said. He also explained the BAPIO mentoring scheme and International Fellowship programme.
Mr Mortimer promised to take these issue to his team and look for amicable way forward. The meeting was also attended on NHS Employers behalf by the Programme Manager for Diversity & Inclusion, Mr Mohamed Jogi who will keep in touch and inform of the progress.