Personal experience of a trainee at BAPIO dinner –RCPCH conference 2022
By-Dr. Swati Gupta
It was such a refreshing experience to be able to attend the annual RCPCH conference in person held in Liverpool in June 2022. Like the currents of river Mersey which provided a gorgeous backdrop to the venue, the knowledge and conversations flowed effortlessly and incessantly. People from diverse backgrounds, stations, and countries came together to create a beautiful experience of shared learning and mutual growth. Nowhere did I see this diversity and complexity come together in such an incredible way than at the immensely popular and highly subscribed dinner hosted by BAPIO.
The occasion was were graced by the presence of many dignitaries -RCPCH president Dr. Camilla Kingdon, IPA president Dr. Navin Thakkar, DR. Jackie Small President of Royal College of Physicians Australia, BAPIO founder, and President Dr. Ramesh Mehta to name a few.
More than 100 medical specialists including trainees, consultants, and clinical leads engaged in this event. People from different countries came together connecting at a soul level and the atmosphere was awe.
The night opened on a wonderfully positive note with an address from Dr. Jainer chair of the BAPIO pediatric forum which included a key message that lies at the heart of BAPIO: inclusivity in the medical community and it was really heartening to see how BAPIO has been spearheading the campaign for awareness, equality, and rights for doctors from ethnic backgrounds. The universal challenges in delivering quality care in medicine and especially paediatrics form an important agenda for the organisation and it was very encouraging to see the enormous effort towards championing a global consortium for achieving the same.
In addition to food for thought, we were treated to scrumptious Indian culinary delights accompanied by Indian music and dance.
An exquisitely elegant Bharatnatyam recital by a very talented medical student was followed by some charming Bollywood singing by Drs Arvind Shah and Dr. Arvind Shastri.
Dr. Anshoo Dhelaria took the dance floor by storm with her vibrant rendition of a dynamic Indian Bollywood dance number. We also had Dr. Neeraj Jain play the mouth organ.
As the night progressed, all of us were seen dancing our hearts out to the energetic Indian beats. We talked and laughed and danced and ate and danced some more. The time flew by us and we felt an overwhelming sense of camaraderie and bonhomie with each other. It felt like being at home, away from home. What started out as a night amongst strangers ended up as a magnificent experience with friends.
I look forward to attending more of the RCPCH conferences in the future notwithstanding the huge appeal to find myself amongst my friends and newly found family at BAPIO that is all-embracing and accepting of everyone.