2.00 pm “Childhood Obesity and type 2 Diabetes: Flood or Tsunami!”
Prof. Russell Viner, UCL Institute of Child Health
Chair: Dr Andrew Long
2.30 pm Keynote Lecture – “Learning Healthcare Systems”
Prof. Neena Modi, President RCPCH
Chair: Dr Ramesh Mehta
3.00 pm “Decision making in PICU and my smartphone apps”
Dr Satish Deopujari, Paediatrician & Researcher, Nagpur, India
Chair: Dr Ramesh Mehta
3.30 pm Coffee
3.45 pm “Recent Developments in management of Cow’s Milk Allergy”
Dr Eleanor Minshall, Consultant Paediatric Allergist Sheffield Children’s Hospital
Chair: Dr Arvind Shah
4.45 pm “New Perspective on KAWASKI Disease and recent advances in management”,
Prof. A. V. Ramanan, Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Chair: Dr Amit Gupta
4.15 pm “Cystic Fibrosis – Moving towards cure?”
Dr Satish Rao, Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician, Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Chair: Dr Andrew Raffles
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