BAPIO met the Chief Operating officer of GMC Ms Susan Goldsmith and her team to raise the issue of differential treatment of Non-Trainee doctors. BAPIO has been worried that non-trainee doctors are not included in the GMC surveys. We have also been concerned that during the GMC visit to Hospital Trusts the Non-Trainee doctors are asked to stay away.
The GMC team agreed that this is unfair. However constitutionally GMC has no authority over Non-Trainee doctors. Ms Goldsmith said “We are committed to undertake a exploratory research to find out more about the non-deanery training and work experiences of doctors who are training outside of the GMC approved and quality assured structures. We aim to determine if (and how) we can take into consideration the views of this group in the future”
During discussions with Dr Mehta and Prof Singhal it was clear that the roadblock to move forward with Non-Trainee doctors is the archaic GMC constitution. BAPIO offered the GMC to take up this issue with the Government through its recently launched Healthcare Policy Forum.
GMC will consider its regulatory remit with respect to quality assuring the environments and experiences of doctors undertaking self-directed training towards entry to the GMC register.
Pic Credit-Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay