BAPIO is delighted to release a simple, easy to use, interactive and self-administered web app which calculates the individual risk score within a couple of minutes and guides them on ways to mitigate their risks, keeping them safe.
Prof. Keshav Singhal MBE, Chair of BAPIO(Wales) was tasked by the First Minister of Wales Prof. Mark Drakeford AM to lead a BAME Expert Advisory group to devise a risk assessment tool for calculating the individual’s risk and find ways of mitigating those risks. His group devised a risk assessment tool following a rapid analysis of all available evidence with the prime consideration of ease of use and simplicity, which was released by the Welsh Government on 26th May for use across all NHS and social care staff. It is now in use across all public sectors in Wales and also in many institutions in England including Westminster Parliamentary staff.
Prof Singhal has further adapted this tool for BAPIO into a simple, easy to use,interactive and self-administered web app for use by workers in any sector regardless of their ethnicity or workplace. In Wales, the risk assessment tool is in use by NHS, Social Care, Care homes, Police forces, Education, Welsh Government and all other public sector employees with appropriate guidance. The risk assessment tool can be accessed by clicking on the link below
The risk assessment tool for members of the general public can be accessed through the link below and guides members of the public to safety as we come out of the lock down
BAPIO President Dr Ramesh Mehta said “I am pleased that BAPIO is able to assist the NHS staff as well as the general public by providing a simple means to assess their risk to COVID-19. I congratulate BAPIO Wales Chair Prof Singhal for this excellent achievement”
BAPIO Chairman Dr JS Bamrah said “It is a matter of great pride for BAPIO to be able to assist the health care workers as well as general population in assessing their own risk for the COVID-19. I hope it will be used extensively”
Prof Keshav Singhal said “The invitation by the First Minister to Chair the Risk Assessment Group and lead the project is a testament to the great work being done by BAPIO nationally. We are getting excellent feedback about the tool’s efficacy from all sectors”
Dated 28.07.20
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Notes for Editors
British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) is a non-political, national, voluntary medical organisation that supports members and other healthcare professionals through education, training, policy making, and advocacy work. Since its inception in 1996, BAPIO has actively promoted the principles of diversity and
equality. Over the years the Association has grown in stature and influence. It is represented through active Divisions covering all the English Regions as well as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is now one of the largest organisations of its type in the country. BAPIO is committed to ensuring that the NHS provides the best
patient outcomes. By promoting professional excellence and leadership, BAPIO adds value in enhancing the skills of the medical workforce. BAPIO also contributes to the cause of promoting access to better health care globally and responds to aid victims of natural disasters in the world.
Further information
Please contact: BAPIO admin Tel 01234212879 email admin@bapio.ac.uk
Prof Keshav Singhal MBE, Chair BAPIO(Wales) Phone: 07787147203