BAPIO Research & Innovation Competition

BAPIO Inovation Competition

BAPIO Announces Research & Innovation Competition to celebrate their 20th Anniversary. First prize: Travel to India to present in an International competition and 1-week clinical attachment in chosen speciality.

British Association of Physicians of India is pleased to announce the first BAPIO Research & Innovation Competition in collaboration with Royal College of Physicians, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and Doctors Academy

The competition aims to provide a platform for enthusiastic and academically oriented medical students and young doctors to present their research & innovation work to national audience, either in the form of an oral or a poster presentation.

Medical Students and Young Doctors from the United Kingdom and Abroad from diverse nationality and ethnicity are invited to participate in the competition. The Research & Innovation competition papers are divided under four categories:  Clinical Sciences and Patient Based Research, Basic Science/translational research, Innovations in Healthcare and Hospital and Healthcare Management.

Prizes will be awarded to four best presentations. The winner of first prize will be invited to present his/her work in the International meeting in Hyderabad, India. Further information about prizes can be found here.

All candidates submitting an abstract will receive a certificate of participation.

Please click here to submit your abstract.

Thirty abstracts will be selected for oral presentations on 19th November (Saturday). From this, the judges will select the top four presenters who will then present their work in the plenary session on 20th November (Sunday).

A further 20 candidates will be invited to present their work as posters at the conference.

Further details and Guidelines for Abstract submission:

Registration for the BAPIO Annual Conference:


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