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BAPIO SW Annual conference in collaboration with RCP 28 September 2019
Leigh Court, Abbots Leigh, Bristol BS8 3RA
CPD Code: 127324 (6 external CPD points)
Programme organisers: Chair Prof Parag Singhal, Vice Chair Dr Mohan Mundasad, Organizing secretary Mr Sanchit Mehendale, Organizing Committee- Dr Guru Karnati, Dr Saraswati Hosdurga, Dr Uma Gordon, Dr Mahesh Navadgi and Prof Sanjay Gandhi
09.20 –Registration
09.30- Welcome Dr Mohan Mundasad
09.35 –Pensions talk- Wesleyan
10.00- Setting the scene
Prof Parag Singhal and Dr Arun Baksi
10.20- Indo U.K. collaboration
Opening remarks
Mr Manish Singh, Minister of Economics, High Commission India
Reflections of Indian Visit
Mr Simon Sethi, Chief Operating Officer, YDH
Brigadier Chandra Mohan
Post Graduate Programme in EM
Prof Tamorish Kole, President Elect ASEM
11.10- Morning coffee break
11.40 –QIP/Audits Role of pharmacists in diabetes management
Professor Mahendra Patel
12.45- Keynote address – Could it happen to me? Practical ways to
reduce the criminalisation of healthcare
Dr Jenny Vaughan, RCP
13.00- Lunch and Networking
13.45 Innovative care models
Dr Clare Gerada- Co-Chair NHS Assembly to lead
15.00 Keynote address – What underpins an outstanding organization
Dr Nigel Acheson, Deputy Chief Inspector, CQC
15.15 Afternoon coffee break
15.35 Accountability – Fair to Refer
Case study and panel discussion
Dr Ramesh Mehta OBE President BAPIO
16.20 Keynote Address
Baroness Dido Harding, Chair NHSI
16.35 Equality and Diversity Panel discussion, Barriers and Solutions
Prof Mala Rao, OBE; Medical Advisor, WRES, NHSE
Mr. Grahame Paine, Chair WHAT
17.15 Summing up and vote of thanks
Mr Sanchit Mehendele
18.30 Drinks reception
19.00 Dinner
Registration link-https://forms.gle/eojovBQUobmaJzd78 or contact admin@bapio.co.uk
Conference Registration FREE for BAPIO members, RCP fellows and members.
Non-Members £15
Dinner Adult £ 35 Children 6 to 12 – £15
Thank you to Wesleyan, Nipro Diagnostics, Altacor UK & YEOVIL hospital who have sponsored our conference. To comply with ABPI regulations we have been asked to
mention that these sponsors will be attending this meeting and that they will contribute towards
the cost of hosting this conference. They have not had any input into the programme.
Pic Credit-Image by David Mark from Pixabay