BAPIO writes to Chief Medical Officer with Expression of solidarity during this unprecedented crisis

BAPIO sent a letter of Solidarity to CMO on 18.3.20

“We write to express our solidarity during this unprecedented crisis brought by the Corona virus and we stand firmly with the government and applaud the measures being taken to contain the spread of the disease.

BAPIO believes that the symptomatic front line workers  and their family members should be tested. This would  help in identifying negative cases thus enabling the front line staff to return to their duties and support their colleagues. BAPIO also supports the case for protective gear to be made available to all front line staff. We are aware that the Government is working towards achieving this. BAPIO has received concerns from front line staff about elective work still being performed in some hospitals, BAPIO is of the view that any non-urgent elective work should be cancelled at this time.

BAPIO has always been of the view that health professionals need to offer solutions to address the challenges and an independent think tank ‘ournhsourconcern’ supported by BAPIO, consisting of eminent clinical leaders, managers and public figures is pleased to offer an innovative approach to support the crisis. We have developed an Emergency Department model based on avoiding duplication, a novel and logical deployment of staff working as a team whilst ensuring an efficient, safe management of patients and improving the learning experience and job satisfaction of staff.

We would be delighted to meet you personally or by Skype to clarify any questions you may have. 

We look forward to hearing from you.”

CMO Pic credit- By Anonymous –, OGL 3,

Corona Pic Credit-Image by Daniel Roberts from Pixabay 


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