Report of the independent review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide*
BAPIO welcomes the outcome of the Independent Review of the Gross Negligence Manslaughter and Culpable Homicide conducted by Leslie Hamilton and his team.
The cases of the paediatric trainee Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba and other doctors have brought into sharp focus the role of the medical regulator, the General Medical Council (GMC), in raising fears for the medical profession, for doctors who may cause unintentional harm to patients as a result of systemic failures in the health service. This report goes a long way to acknowledging that, as well as the issue of unfairness perceived by doctors of a BAME origin, and so we especially welcome the five recommendations in relation to equality and fairness. The report is explicit in the increased risk of this group of doctors falling foul of the GMC, an issue on which BAPIO has campaigned tirelessly for over two decades.
We would expect that the 29 recommendations made will be implemented in full, and without any undue delay
BAPIO President Ramesh Mehta said “We will continue on our campaign of fairness and equality, and we will work with the GMC and other bodies to achieve this. However, we will not hesitate to challenge the system where necessary, so that all doctors can practice safely, and patients can continue to derive the quality of care they can expect from us”.
Dr JS Bamrah, BAPIO Chairman said, “We are pleased that the Hamilton Team have seriously considered BAPIO submission and recommendations”.
Prof Parag Singhal, BAPIO Secretary said, “We hope, following this report, management will be seriously looking at the system failures and avoid blame culture”.
Dated 7/6/2019
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Notes for Editors
Since its inception in 1996, British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) has actively promoted the principle of diversity and equality. Over the years the Association has grown in stature and influence. It is represented through active Divisions covering all the English Regions as well as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is now one of the largest organisations of its type in the country. BAPIO is committed to assisting the Healthcare in UK in providing the best patient outcomes. By promoting professional excellence and leadership, BAPIO adds value to the efforts of the HEE, GMC and educational authorities in enhancing the skills of the medical workforce. BAPIO also contributes to the cause of promoting access to better health care globally and responds to aid victims of natural disasters in the world.
Further information
Please contact:
Dr Ramesh Mehta OBE, President of BAPIO, on 01234 212879, or email admin@bapio.co.uk