- Consultant Paediatrician – Retired in July 2020
- British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin: National Vice President. Has done a lot of work in improving the life of Doctors in the United Kingdom through BAPIO. Passionate about eliminating discrimination in the work place. This includes taking a lead role in our judicial review where the Supreme Court ruled in our favour in the HSMP case against Department of Health and Home Office, our high court case against RCGP about differential pass rates in their clinical examination. Took a lead role in creating Medical Defence Shield which offers employment and professional indemnity.
- Management roles in the NHS including being a Medical Director, Clinical Director, Clinical lead, CQC Specialist Advisor, and Chair of Medical Staff Committee, Newham University Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust – till retirement.
- British Medical Association: Held/hold the following posts in the BMA. UK Consultants Committee member, Member LNC forum North Thames, Executive Committee member, Stratford Division, ARM representative.
- Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: Hold/have held the following positions: Examiner for Membership examinations, Examination Board member, Member Advisory appointments committee for consultant appointments, College Tutor