- General Practitioner, FRCGP
- British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin: Executive member, NW BAPIO.
- Chairman, Tameside Healthwatch, past Chairman, Tameside and Glossop NHS.
- Council member and Director, BMA; Vice President; past GPC member.
- Longstanding Labour Party member
- OBE 2009 for services to the NHS and health care.
- HSJ BME Pioneer Leader, 2014.
- Prestigious Public Service award, being named a community hero and champion at the 2011 Fusion awards.
- Named one of Britain’s 50 best doctors for helping to shape health care by leading medical publication Pulse.
- Runner up ‘Doctor of the year’, chosen by RCGP and Doctor Magazine 2001.
- NW GP of the Year (RCGP, 2009).
- Invited to Queens Garden Party (2001 & 2004) in recognition of services to General practice addressing health inequalities, mental health and sexual diseases.
- Invited to a ‘Thank You Reception’ for services to the NHS at No. 10 Downing Street by Prime Minister Gordon Brown on 14th January 2009.