Promoting health volunteering in India


1 June 2013 at University Hospital of South Manchester, Wythensha

Are you already volunteering in India either for disasters or for planned developments in the health sector?
Are you looking for help and want to discuss how to continue and build your project?
Do you want to undertake volunteering in India to support health developments there?

If yes, then come and tell us about your project and your aspirations and explore how we can all work together in the NorthWest to promote volunteering in India.

As part of the establishment of the Greater Manchester Centre for Global Health Volunteering (please see this website for more information-,

we are holding a one day workshop:
• To hear from people who are already involved in supporting health developments and want to support volunteering in India
• To develop future programme of work in India for the Centre
• To meet like minded people and
• To discuss how we can support each other to create more effective, efficient and economic ways of sustainable volunteering

If you wish to showcase your projects then please let us know and we will endeavour to make arrangements for you to display and/or speak about it.

To register for the event either as a participant or potential presenter, please drop an email to

Please do register early and forward it to others who may be interested. Places will be allocated on a first come basis. There is no charge for attendance but to minimise costs we would urge people to register only if they can definitely attend.

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