Young Doctors Forum

BAPIO YDF is a committee made up of passionate medical students and young doctors. As a committee we strive to support and guide medical students as well as young training doctors at all stages. The committee has been involved in arranging many programs from clinical education events covering various specialities to classes on exam advice. BAPIO YDF has also been able to provide teaching opportunities to medical students and young doctors therefore allowing them to build their portfolio and develop important skills. We have hosted many classes to help students get involved in research in addition to assistance regarding publishing work. We have held sessions on how to build a portfolio tailored for a specific field. The Annual Merit Conference is one of BAPIO YDF’s biggest events and includes keynote speeches from various professionals as well as talks on what a career in medicine can offer.
As a forum we hope to do all we can to support medical students and young doctors throughout their medical education and time training. We are fortunate to have the support of the BAPIO team and we are very grateful for all they have done for us. We look forward to seeing you at our events and are always keen to hear your ideas and feedback.
Name | Role | Year/ training | Institution |
Executive team | |||
Archie Parekh | Chair | Year 3 | University of Manchester |
Nitish Trikha | Chair | FY1 | Hull Royal Infirmary/ York Hospital |
Jayesh Chopra | Secretary | FY2 | Bedford hospital |
Shyam | Treasurer | FY2 | Freeman/ Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle |
Education team | |||
Saloni Yadav | Education Chair | Year 3 | Barts and The London, QMUL. |
Abhishek Gupta | Education Chair | FY2 | Queens Hospital Burton |
Gautham Krishna Palanisamy | Education Officer | FY2 | St. Peter’s Hospital NHS Trust, Chertsey |
Sunrit Majumder | Education Officer | FY2 |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Conference team | |||
Yuva Ravindran | Conference Chair | IMT1 | New Cross West Midlands |
Tara Halai | Conference Chair | Year 4 |
Anglia Ruskin University (Intercalating at
Reeana Irani | Conference Officer | Clinical Fellow | The Balfour Hospital, Orkney |
Pratik Ramkumar | Conference Officer | Year 3 | Imperial College London |
Ramanish Ravishankar | Conference Officer | SHO |
Honorary Research Fellow (HUTH –
Social Media team | |||
Nandana Nair | Social Media Director | SHO | Ashford and St. Peter’s, Surrey |
Jayashrii Muthaiyan | Social Media Officer | Year 3 | Edinburgh Medical School |
Dr Pihu Arora | Social Media Officer | FY2 | Royal Surrey County Hospital |
Junior Doctor Board | |||
Anisha Roy | FY3 | Royal Gwent Hospital | |
Swanzil Chaudhary | SHO | Ashford and St. Peter’s, Surrey | |
Debjani Majumder | ST1 |
University Hospital of North Durham
Jeevitha Dandiganahalli Channappa | SHO | Ashford and St. Peter’s, Surrey | |
IMG Board | |||
Ishan Sen | IMT1 |
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation
Shreya Pal | ST1 Gen Surg |
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Harshitha Bhushan | FY2 | Ashford and St. Peter’s, Surrey |
- Engagement with junior doctors under the BAPIO umbrella with the aim of promoting best practice and excellence in primary care.
- Raise awareness and find solutions relating to issues pertaining to equality, diversity and inclusion of BAME and IMG’s (International medical graduates) especially around differential attainment and career progression.
- Promote inclusive and demonstrable leadership by empowering the membership with opportunities especially in the context of gap in BAME representation within NHS.
- To support trainees in issues related to their training and by working with other like-minded organisations as well as relevant authorities such as British Medical Association (BMA) , Health Education England (HEE) and General Medical Council (GMC).
- Promote development of career interests by highlighting and supporting available opportunities and fellowships for all members.
- Engage with medical students and provide support throughout university
- Provide educational material to both medical students and trainees
- Facilitate networking between trainees and senior doctors.
BAPIO YDF has robust education and conference teams that work throughout the year to deliver multiple education events and a stellar MERIT conference.
In the past, we’ve run the following education courses: ‘Critical Appraisal for SFP’, ‘MSRA overview’, ‘PLAB overview’, ‘Clinical Specialty series’ covering a range of common conditions in different specialties, ‘Interview series’ for CST, IMT, OBGYN, paeds, etc and an ‘On Call series’ detailing different emergency conditions. Attendance certificates are provided for your portfolio!
While our education events are all delivered online, our conference is a hybrid in-person and virtual event.
In addition to these events, BAPIO YDF works closely with the other BAPIO forums like BIHR and Women’s forum to conduct several projects regarding career development in the UK.”
Keep an eye out for our events, conferences and opportunities to get involved with projects and the team on our social media pages!
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Forums will be open to all medical students and junior doctors who will be BAPIO members.