BAPIO Belfast Regional Conference July 2014

Belfast ConferenceBritish Association of Physicians of Indian Origin

Role of BME doctors in Enhancing Patient Care

Regional Conference 6th July, 2014


Ramada Plaza, Belfast, Northern Ireland



09.00 am Registration & Coffee

09.45 am Welcome – Dr Mukesh Chugh

09.50 am Welcome – Lord Daljit Rana

10:00 am Introduction to BAPIO: Dr. Ramesh Mehta


10.20am Session 1: NHS in Northern Ireland – Background

Chairs: CEO, HSC NI / Prof. Bhupinder Sandhu

10.25 am How does NHS in N Ireland compare with the mainland ? – Mr Robert Sowney, Mr Seamus McGirr

10.45 am Impact of Francis Report on NI Health Services – Mrs Elaine Way

11.00 am BAPIO Patient Safety Forum – Prof Rajan Madhok

11.15 am Panel Discussion

11.30 am Coffee


12.00 Noon Session 2: Contribution of BME Doctors to the NHS

Chairs: Dr Satheesh Mathew / Dr Umesh Prabhu

12.05 pm Contribution of BME doctors to NHS in Northern Ireland – Dr Kanwar Panesar

12.25 BME doctors and N Ireland: hopes and aspirations – Prof Rajinder Mirakhur

12.45 pm Contribution of BME Doctors Nationally – Prof Bhupinder Sandhu

01.05 pm Panel Discussion

01.15 pm Lunch


02.15 pm Session 3: Enhancing Quality of Patient Care

Chair: Prof Rajan Madhok/ Mrs Elaine Way

02.20 pm Impact of discrimination on patient care – Dr Umesh Prabhu

02.40 pm Supporting Doctors – ‘Medical Defence Shield’ – Dr Satheesh Mathew

03.00 pm How to develop BME doctors as leaders – Dr Ying Kuan

03.20 pm Panel Discussion

03.40 pm Concluding Remarks – Dr Ramesh Mehta

03.55 pm Vote of Thanks

04.00 pm Close

06.30 pm Drinks Reception

07.00 pm Launch of BAPIO NI Division and Dinner



The Rt Hon Lord Daljit Rana, MBE, Baron of Malone, Belfast

Mr Robert Sowney, Assistant Director, Health and Social Care Board NI, Belfast

Ms Elaine Way, CEO of Western Trust, Londonderry

Mr Kanwar Panesar, OBE Consultant Surgeon, (Retired), Londonderry

Prof. Rajinder Mirakhur, Consultant Anaesthetist (Retired), Belfast

Dr Ramesh Mehta, Consultant Paediatrician, President BAPIO, Bedford

Prof. Rajan Madhok, Chairman BAPIO, Previously Medical Director, Manchester

Dr Satheesh Mathew, Consultant Paediatrician, Vice President BAPIO, London

Dr Umesh Prabhu, Medical Director, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh FT, Manchester

Prof. Bhupinder Sandhu OBE, Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Bristol

Dr Mukesh Chugh, Consultant Anaesthetist, Londonderry

Dr Ying Kuan, Associate Medical Director, Consultant Nephrologist, Londonderry

Mr Seamus McGirr, Director of Clinical Development, Manchester

Gala Dinner and Launch of BAPIO Northern Ireland Division


Invited Guests:

Councillor Nichola MallonCouncillor Nichola Mallon
Lady Mayor of Belfast

Rt. Hon. Peter D. RobinsonRt. Hon. Peter D. Robinson
MLA First Minister

Mr. Martin McGuinnessMr. Martin McGuinness
MLA Deputy First Minister

Rt Hon Lord Daljit RanaRt Hon Lord Daljit Rana

Mr. Edwin Poots MLAMr. Edwin Poots MLA
Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety

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