BAPIO WALES Division CELEBATEs 20th Anniversary of formation of BAPIO
BAPIO Wales division during their Annual Conference at the historical Cardiff City Hall in Cardiff on 14th January 2017, celebrated the 20th Anniversary of BAPIO. The theme of the conference was “Innovating for Sustainable Health Care”.
Mr Keshav Singhal, the chairman of the division, Secretary Dr Hasmukh Shah and Mr. Vaughan Gething AM, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sports were joined by Dr Parag Singhal, National Hon secretary of BAPIO and Mr Buddhdev Pandya MBE, National director of BAPIO in lighting the traditional Indian Lamp to inaugurate the event.
Mr Keshav Singhal said, “One can argue that NHS is probably the best amongst the modern health care inventions. However, with increasing costs and limited workforce, we need new and innovative solutions to ensure affordable high quality care in UK and the world”.
Other speakers included, Dr Raj Nirula MBE Ass. Post Grad Dean, Dr Frank Atherton Chief Medical Officer Wales, Helen Howson, Director Bevan Commission, Allison Williams Chief Executive Cwm Taff Health Board, CMO/Dy.CMO Wales, Dr Parag Singhal, National Secretary BAPIO UK, Mr Richard Johnson Clinical Director Surgery ABMU East, Sir Paul Williams OBE, Prof. Dr Chris Jones Dy. Chief Medical Officer Wales, Khitish Mohanty Program Director Welsh Orthopaedic higher training program and Mr Hemang Mehta Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon.
This year BAPIO celebrates its 20th anniversary and as UK withdraws from Europe, Dr Hasmukh Shah, the Hon Secretary for the Wales Division emphasised the significance. He said,” Britain’s exit from the Europe gives us an opportunity to review and renew the historical links between Indian Subcontinent and the NHS. Building on the successful track record of BAPIO, this conference will set an ambitious agenda for strengthened relations, for mutual benefit”.
The Conference was followed by a Banquet that was attended by the Deputy High Commissioner of India, HE Sri Dinesh Patnaik and his wife Mrs Poonam Patnaik. The celebration was also attended by the Secretary of State for Wales, The Rt Hon Alun Cairns who is also a Cabinet Member of the British Government. Also present was the First Minister of wales The RT Hon the Right Honourable Carwyn Jones AM among many other dignitaries.
Mr Pandya, Director of BAPIO congratulated the team and conveyed message on behalf of the President Dr Ramesh Mehta and the Executive Committee for the success of the event.